Expungement Clinic
If you would like to attend the expungement clinic on September 13, 2024, please answer the following questions so that we can have everything prepared for your expungement petition by that date.
None of the information that you provide will be shared with anyone before the expungement clinic other than Legal Aid Justice Center staff, and to the extent necessary to obtain criminal records for your petition, the Henrico Commonwealth’s Attorneys offices.
Please note that only non-convictions (nolle prosequi, straight dismissals, acquittal after trial) that were charged in Henrico, VA can be expunged at this clinic. Some convictions will be eligible for sealing in 2025. See https://www.justice4all.org/new-record-sealing-law-information/ for more details. Please only sign-up below if you have any non-convictions on your record. Deferred dismissals (where you may have had to pay court costs and/or complete probation, community service, etc. before getting a dismissal) are generally NOT eligible for expungement, unless you/your attorney and the Commonwealth’s attorney agreed to it in the final disposition paperwork. If you think that there was such an agreement, please sign-up and we can check.
If we determine that you are not eligible, we will let you know and invite you to attend the information session about the new record sealing law that will take effect in 2025.
NoLef Turns
3002 Hungary Springs Road, Richmond, VA 23228
September 13, 2024
11 am – 4 pm
Pre-registration is STRONGLY encouraged.
Please fill out the form below:
If you do not pre-register, please bring Warrant of Arrest, Summons, or Indictment and Final Disposition Order.