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Burt Pinnock

 Development Committee 

For nearly 30 years, Burt has been a profound voice for creative, compelling, and responsible design in Richmond’s urban landscape, using his career in architecture to tell the dichotomous story of Richmond’s past. Once the Capital of the Confederacy and an epicenter of the nation’s slave trade, Richmond was also home to thriving, independent black communities—and Burt’s body of work spans projects that seek to preserve and integrate those distinct identities into a more complete version that is contextual to both time and space. Burt has also embraced public service opportunities on a number of boards and commissions, including the Board of Zoning Appeals, Commission of Architectural Review, Urban Design Committee, Richmond Slave Trail Commission, LISC Advisory Board, Historic Richmond Foundation, Venture Richmond, and many more. He is also the creator and co-founder of Storefront for Community Design, a nonprofit that creates access to architecture and design services while also facilitating community engagement workshops for development efforts throughout the city. Peers and clients alike are drawn to his overwhelming enthusiasm, quick humor, boundless energy, and sheer talent. He is a true ambassador of his field.

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