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Immigrant Clients Win In-State Tuition

Seven courageous immigrant students represented by Legal Aid Justice Center have won their effort to gain in-state tuition eligibility—not just for themselves, but for thousands of Virginia recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring announced this morning that DACA recipients are eligible to apply for in-state tuition under existing Virginia law, as the students had argued in a lawsuit filed by the Legal Aid Justice Center last year. Legal Aid Justice Center thanks Attorney General Herring for opening the doors of educational opportunity to these deserving Virginia students.

Press Release (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)

Read the Lawsuit (PDF)

Read Attorney General Herring’s Letter (4/29/14)

News Coverage
Big Victory for Local Legal Aid Center (C-ville Weekly 4/29/14)

Virginia Attorney General Opens In-State Tuition to Immigrant Students (NY Times, 4/29/14)

Virginia AG Declares ‘Dreamers’ Eligible for In-State Tuition (Washington Post, 4/29/14)

Korean Student in Virginia Joined Forces with Latino “DREAMers” (Washington Post, 5/3/14)

Undocumented Immigrants in Va. Qualify for In-State Tuition (USA Today College, 5/5/14)

Immigrant Plaintiffs Who Sued for Lower Tuition Get Big Victory (C-ville Weekly, 5/8/14)


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