Stopping illegal rental fees
In 2015, LAJC attorneys and consumer clinic law students worked together to file suit against IQ Data, a debt collector for a landlord in Northern Virginia. We filed the case as a class action alleging violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act due to adding fees and interest to rental housing debt without any basis in law or contract. We received a very favorable opinion from the district judge denying the defendant’s motion to dismiss and subsequently reached a settlement agreement worth $125,000 in damages for the class and an additional $85,000 in attorneys’ fees for us. Most happily, IQ Data has ceased its illegal practice of charging interest on pre-judgment debts to nearly 9,000 consumers in Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
Request for Proposal: Equity Consultant
In a time when DEI initiatives are being disbanded across many sectors, Legal Aid Justice Center remains steadfast in our commitment to fostering a workplace where all staff feel safe, valued, and have a true sense of belonging. We recognize that dismantling oppression requires continuous reflection, growth, and strategic action. As attacks on DEI intensify, […]
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